Green Exhibits

This site provides museum exhibit designers and fabricators a resource for designing and building exhibits and environments that best support healthy spaces and a healthier future for kids and the environment.

We think this is a crucial task for children's museums to undertake, and we hope you'll agree.

Dive in and explore all the resources within, divided into the six categories navigable through the toolbar at the right, or at the top of the page.

And we always welcome your feedback! Contact us anytime.


Get Started with! was funded by MetLife Foundation in partnership with the Association of Children's Museums as part of the Promising Practice Replication Award presented to Madison Children's Museum in 2004 so that Madison's sustainable design knowledge could be shared with the field. is the culmination of 8 years of research, ecological thinking, and idea gathering, which would not have been possible without the enormous generosity of ACM and MetLife Foundation, as well as our numerous mentors, teachers and colleagues along the way. The site is designed, developed, and maintained by Madison Children's Museum.